Auditory Processing Disorder
Auditory Processing Disorder - when auditory information is received, but (essentially) scrambled by the brain. The individual with this disorder must try and sift through the scramled auditory information to make sense of it. 70 - 80% of classroom teaching and interaction is VERBAL. Imagine how difficult it would be to learn when combining those two elements. Most children with Auditory Processing Disorder are average learners, but their learning disability reduces their ability to work at the cognitive level they are capable of. The existence of Auditory Processing Disorder is still being argued by a small percentage of professionals. As a result, the disorder is not yet included in the DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual). Because it is not included in the DSM, it is not recognised by the government. Because it is not recognised , the disorder receives no funding. An individual with Auditory Processing Disorder, will constantly struggle to understand auditor...