
Showing posts from April, 2014


Today is Anzac day, and it marks just over a year since Grandad passed away . I couldn't help but feel a bit empty today. Seeing the dwindling number of older faces in this year's parade was sad. I missed seeing Grandad's 8th Division Signals flag. But I did spend the day with my sister's at my Nana's house for lunch. She was understandably upset, watching the march on her own, that morning.  I read once, that something that bind families together are their family stories. The collective remembering of our shared past, becomes part of our identity. I have grown up, hearing stories about Grandad during the war. Hearing him recount the horrors that he experienced is not something we will ever forget. For the first time since Grandad died, today I felt really scared that I wouldn't hear him tell them again. I need to hear those stories again. So (God bless the internet), I googled a few things and found some links that are relevant to Grandad. One was wr...